Ayurveda is a science with amazing power to cure and care. Kizhi is an Ayurveda treatment with some specialty. The word or term “Kizhi” is taken from Malayalam language from south India. It can be define in many ways. It’s a massage therapy and part of Ayurveda mainly aims to enhance and protect the health and wellness of the whole body. The kizhi massage therapy is a synchNavarakizhironized Ayurvedic mode of treatment. It’s a complete rejuvenation therapy. The Kizhi Ayurveda massage therapy is very effective in every aspect and it gives a newborn feel to all aspirants.
It has the power to make effective changes to human body. Kizhi , the Ayurveda treatment ensures confidence and mental peace. Kizhi improves vigour and vitality. The continuous practicing of Kizhi assures youth forever. It has everything that you would prefer from an Ayurveda massage therapy.
Kizhi is a carefully planned health program. Kizhi, the Ayurveda treatment is very unique and it works in the whole body and gives you an effect beyond the expectation. It’s really a go back to youngster or a return to the bliss of eternal Youth. Kizhi keeps your skin smooth and shine and goes a long way to tone up the skin.
This treatement is done using muslin boluses made up of heated oils, herbs and powders used for purification and relaxation. It is also helpful in treating muscular pain and regulates high blood pressure.